Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral Palsy is a group of disorders that affect muscle tone, posture, and movement as a result of damage to an infant’s developing brain, sometimes occurring before birth, and from factors such as bleeding in the brain, head injury, lack of oxygen, infection, or genetic disorders. Even though the damage to the brain doesn’t worsen with time, the symptoms can change with growth and new developmental phases. Cerebral Palsy can impact muscle tone, motor skills, swallowing, vision, communication, and comfort levels.
Home-based palliative care from Brades’ Place surrounds the patient and their family with medical and supportive services. By carefully monitoring the milestones of each child with cerebral palsy, we are able to anticipate their developmental needs and support them in early intervention enrollment. A multidisciplinary team of specialists (such as pulmonologists, orthopedists, and physiatrists) is needed to provide comprehensive care for the patient, and therapy services such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy are needed to reach functional goals. Brades’ Place works to coordinate these various aspects of care to ensure the whole team is working together toward the same goals, which often include improvements to strength, coordination, communication, and comfort.
Body Systems Impacted

Cerebral Palsy Foundation
The Cerebral Palsy Foundation has been around since 1955, backing research and advocating for people with cerebral palsy.
As an educational resource, they provide a nicely kept library of fact sheets and host a blog. They have also compiled a useful list of adaptive/assistive technologies.
Cerebral Palsy Family Network
CP Family Network aims to provide education about diagnosing, treating, and living with cerebral palsy.
They also work to connect families caring for children with cerebral palsy together, inviting them to share their stories and support one another through their Facebook Community page.
Cerebral Palsy Guide
Cerebral Palsy Guide also provides education about cerebral palsy and its treatments.
They can connect you to various financial assistance grants, have tips for parents, and encourage planning for transitional periods, such as into adulthood.