Down Syndrome

Down Syndrome is a genetic disorder that occurs when an abnormal cell division results in an extra chromosome 21, full or partial. It is also referred to as Trisomy 21, noting the most common form of Down Syndrome. This extra genetic material affects the body’s physical development, such as facial shape, almond eyes, and short stature.  It also increases the occurrence of heart defects, thyroid dysfunction, and developmental delays. 

Brades’ Place works through in-home palliative care to provide much needed and individually-focused holistic care with children with Down Syndrome and their families.   

Through early and planned screening and individualized care plans, we address needs as early as possible with concerns such as congenital heart defects, thyroid dysfunction, seizures, GERD, and intellectual and developmental delays through our multi-modality and team approach focused in the home. Unique examples include revisiting safety needs through various stages of development and growth, such as proper home and car safety equipment as children can reach taller heights and unlock seat belts independently but may not have the cognitive advances to do so safely.  Brades’ Place prioritized education, such as helping extended family to know how to interact with new behaviors and communication patterns so they can continue to surround the child with Down Syndrome in a loving, interactive community that is mutually enriching.

Body Systems Impacted


Dental Care for Down Syndrome  has an article that details the unique dental needs of individuals with Down Syndrome. Check it out to learn more about the best ways to care for your child’s oral health and for some tips on finding a dentist with the right skills.

National Down Syndrome Congress

The NDCS has been around since 1973, providing education and support for people with Down Syndrome, their families, and their physicians. They also work  on a cultural and legislative level to  increase education and employment opportunities.

They have put together several resources that you may find useful, such as these medical checklists by age, family care toolkits, and parent webinars.


National Down Syndrome Society

The NDSS is an advocacy and awareness group. They have several awareness programs dedicated to helping people with Down Syndrome live healthy, fulfilling, and inclusive lives.

They provide self-advocacy materials on topics such as education and employment, and also help connect you with local organizations.